Friday, January 11, 2013


We're on vacation.
We left on the 9th, flew from Florida to Dallas, then from Dallas to Albuquerque.
I was a nervous wreck, thinking that my baby would single handedly ruin a plane ride for all passengers on board.
Why? Why would I think that my son would do this? He's such a nice, calm baby.
I thought this because I'm a "worst-caser", that's why.
It helps me through lots of situations, I'm generally very prepared.
Liam was amazing.
Yams the wunderkind!
Aside from one serious diaper blowout that resulted in a change of clothes and wrapping his dirty diaper in a clean diaper, leaving me with one diaper for the next flight (JESUS.), everything went swimmingly.
We fed him during take off on both flights, to help keep his ears from popping, and he fell asleep shortly after and slept for the majority of the ride. Beginner's luck, I'm sure. 
So far so good. When we get home I'll write a post with more information on flying with bebe. 
We're here in New Mexico until Monday, then it's on to Nevada to see my dad for a few days, then on to Washington!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! Glad he was so good! I swear its like a new moms luck for the first baby flight to result in a diaper blow out! Best of luck with the rest of your travels momma! I am sure little yams will be his amazingly happy little self for you!<3