Friday, January 11, 2013

Okay, so he's almost 9 months old, but it takes me forever to get these pictures uploaded.
8. Freaking. Months. Old. 
He's more months old now than I was pregnant with him. Where does the time go? 
It goes into feeding, napping, changing, strolling, learning, playing, teething, rolling over, crawling, standing, babbling... 
So many things, such little time, yet it seems like yesterday that he was just a tiny 5 lb thing. I have to think really hard to remember how small and light he felt. How helpless his tiny cry sounded. 
Liam can now stand (assisted, of course) and crawl (backwards). He shows no interest in crawling forward. He gets to where he needs to go. Rolling and scooting. Pretty funny. He has excellent hand/eye coordination. Today he exclaimed, "Yah-Dah!" to myself, Ricky, and his Oma, Deb. He seems so big. He IS so big. Who is this toothed little human that has taken the place of my teeny tiny bundle of baby in a preemie sized onesie?
I miss teeny Yam, but I love getting to know him as he grows. He's the most wonderful thing I've ever seen. He makes me so happy and so nervous! I hope I'm doing this right, I think about that all the time. 

He eats solid foods now. Solid-ish. Favorites include: oatmeal cereal (rice cereal has been deemed yucky), apples, pears, bananas, avocados, turkey, beets, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, and plums. He also like quinoa, plums, and carrots.
The only things I've made so far that did not make the cut were plantains, paw-paws, and kale. 
Don't try to feed a baby kale. 

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