Wednesday, September 12, 2012


It's a hard thing, constantly wondering if you're making the right choices. Liam's nanny is moving in about a month, so today I went out and found a daycare. I'm really happy with it, the people all seem great and the facility came highly's still tough. I've never second guessed myself as much as I do now as a mother. I love working, it makes me happy. Liam makes me happy too, but it's different. I don't feel that I have to give up everything about myself as an individual just to be a good mother. I'm sure there are people who agree with that statement and those that do not. It's everything though. is this the right sort of toy? Is this the right sort of formula? Is it really okay to pass on the rice cereal for now and just go straight to fruit and vegetable purée? Is it really a good idea to make my own baby food? Does he need this or that?

It's mind-numbing. He's my son. I'm his mother. I know that I'll do what is right, but for some reason it's hard to trust myself.
I know that he'll develop just fine in his own time. I don't care to hear about timelines or percentiles or charts... He's a human being. At some point when he's good and ready, he'll roll over, know what I mean?

Today was stressy.
On a better note, I bought Yams a Hobbes.

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