Monday, October 29, 2012

Too fast

Five months already?!

I have no idea where the time is going. Liam is so big already. On September the 26th he started rolling from his back to his stomach, but he couldn't get back over to his back. Just today he started rolling the other way, he's so proud of himself. It's pretty awesomely adorable.
I started feeding him purees at right around his 5 month mark. I started with fruits and vegetables, not rice cereal, as he still has formula for iron and whatnot. I make all of his food in the Beaba, using organic fruits and veggies. So far his favorites are apple, carrot, and parsnip mix, beets, yogurt, and peas. He likes apples by themselves or with other things. He also loves butternut squash, to which I add vanilla bean and cinnamon. I like to add spices to what he eats, I think it's important to help expand that little pallet now, lest I have one of those children who only wants macaroni and cheese. I add cardamom, cinnamon, garam masala, vanilla bean, fresh ginger, mint, and lemon juice, to name a few. So far no yucks.
I'm also switching him over to glass bottles, after I read that studies show even BPA-free plastic can still leach toxic chemicals. Oh joy.
Yeah yeah, I know that when I was a baby I probably had a plastic bottle, and I don't have three heads. I also know that this information wasn't around then, and seeing as how it is now, I simply cannot in good conscience choose something that could harm my son, whether I think it will or not.
Make sense? Good.
Making his food is one of my favorite things.
Nobody get on my case about the strawberries, he isn't allergic.
     Happy Liam!
On October the 8th, he started daycare. Our nanny is moving away, sadly. We will miss Kelly, she was fantastic with Liam and he loves her very much. We were so fortunate to have had her for 5 months. He's doing great at his daycare, everyone loves him and thinks he's as sweet as can be (because, duh, he is). I went back to Starbucks (1 minute from his daycare at St. Anne), as the drive from the Vet to his daycare every day would have been terrible. Nearly 2 hours a day of driving, in rush hour both times. No thank you. Funny how he decides most things in my life now. ;)
 Another recent development in the rearing of the Yams is cloth diapering. I knew I wanted to do it, I just had to wait until his teeny baby booty was big enough to fill one out. Poor Yammer has no backside. Back->legs. Nothing in between. I decided (after entirely too much internet research and phone-a-friends) on the bumGenius Elemental cloth diaper. Organic cotton, adjustable sizing, snap closure, all-in-one design. I love them so far. I still need to burn through the rest of our disposables, and I'm not sure if I'll send him with cloth to daycare, but we'll definitely be doing it at home full time. I love them, and they're so soft that I imagine he's a fan too. Though there isn't much he doesn't care for.
Naps. He fucking hates naps.
This too, is new. He can't pull himself up yet, but he loves to stand (assisted by either a hand or a sturdy object). He gets so excited! He giggles and smiles and it just melts my heart. Where does the time go? I remember when he weighed less than 5 pounds and I was afraid to break him! Now I toss him in the air and he laughs and little baby is growing up and it breaks my heart and then fills it up with a joy that I could never have imagined. Such an indescribable feeling.
I have lots more to write and photos to share, but tonight is about done for me. I'm an old lady.
I have a hard time being a good little blogger, mostly because I'm busy being a badass mommy.

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