Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Letter to Sprout

7 months old!
It took me a while to edit and upload this picture, you keep me pretty busy.
You can't see them in this picture, but you have two teeth now, your bottom front two. They don't seem to bother you all that much, nor did they seem to when they were growing in. You're a trooper.
You always want to be sitting up now, and you crawl backwards or roll to get to where you want to go. No forward crawling yet, but we can tell that you're close. You amaze me and your father all the time.
Everything goes in your mouth. One of your favorite activities is ripping pages out of magazines and trying to eat them. We laugh at you. And don't let you ingest them.
You babble an awful lot. Mostly just "ahbuh!" It's pretty cute.
In two more weeks you'll be an 8 month old, I can't believe it. You get more and more amazing every day, and you're such a sweet, smiley, happy little boy. 
I love you Sprout.

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